TOMS Shoes has a One for One policy. With every product that is purchased, TOMS will help a person in need. Method cleaning products are all non-toxic. All products are made with natural and biodegradable ingredients. The bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic, and they also have developed a Greensourcing Program for their suppliers to drive green innovation. Starbucks is another very well know socially responsible company. In 2012, 93% of their coffee was ethically sourced.
It seems like we always hear about the same companies for their socially responsible efforts. But here's the catch - it's working! All three companies I listed are very well known in their efforts to create responsible companies. You can go to any of their websites and see the transparency of their social missions to their stakeholders. Starbucks does an exceptional job by not only clearly stating what they are doing right now to be socially responsible, they also state specific goals to improve their social mission. TOMS Shoes, Method, and Starbucks have all been very successful, not only for their products, but for their core values and responsibility.
This is what Millennials are drawn to. This is what I am drawn to. I want to purchase from companies that are making a difference and letting me share in the mission of making this world a better place. We want to show our loyalty to those who are helping others. Of course there are many other socially responsible companies I have not listed, and those companies are doing great things. The questions is, how can you relay your message to your consumers and suppliers? Stay transparent with your stakeholders. State your successes and your goals on your website and make sure they are easily found. Talk to your suppliers. Make sure your suppliers are also looking to increase their social responsibility. Market your social mission along with your products. Lastly, interact with your customers to make sure they are well aware of the social mission that drives your company. You are doing awesome things! Let others see that.
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